Healing Copper Coils for Trees and Plants

Quote from:  The Secret Life of Plants
Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird (
Harper & Row, 1973, pp:  ???)
“To try to establish the cosmic origin of the energy, Lakhovsky decided to dispense with the device he had dreamed up to produce artificial rays and tap natural energy from space. In January, 1925, he picked one of a series of geraniums previously inoculated with cancer and surrounded it with a circular copper spiral thirty centimeters in diameter, its two unjoined ends fixed in an ebonite support. After several weeks he found that whereas all the control geraniums inoculated with cancer had died and dried up, the plant ringed with the copper spiral was not only radiantly healthy but had grown twice as high as uninoculated controls. These spectacular results led Lakhovsky into a complex theory as to how the geranium had been able to pick up from the vast field of waves in the external atmosphere the exact frequencies which enabled its cells to oscillate normally and so powerfully that the cancer afflicted cells were destroyed.
In March of 1928, the geranium with the spiral around it had attained the abnormal height of four and one half feet and was flourishing even in winter. Sure that by his work on plants he had stumbled upon a new therapy of unimaginable importance to medicine, Lakhovsky went on to develop a sophisticated therapeutic device for human beings which he callled “multi-wave oscillator”. It was successfully used in French, Swedish and Italian clinics to cure cancerous growths and lesions brought about [by] radium burns; goiters and a variety of diseases regarded as incurable.”

The above few paragraphs from The Secret Life of Plants were responsible for my own experimentation with copper coils.  It seemed logical that if certain frequencies could be emphasized or heightened, healing could take place.  Everything is energy, after all, and all healing methods, even pharmaceuticals, are really just bringing a new energy, a revised frequency, to weak or diseased bodies. 
A quick glance around my apartment would assure anyone that I have a green thumb, as thriving plants are in evidence everywhere.  One of my neighbors has made a habit of giving me her struggling plants, which I regularly turn into healthy specimens, quite a few of which now sport strategically placed copper coils.

My girlfriend Gina grew up with a lovely linden tree outside the front door of her family home.  She noticed that this particular linden (which was planted by her local municipality) leafed out in the spring later than other lindens on the block, and dropped its leaves earlier in the fall.  Not only that, but it had never, ever blossomed.

We installed a copper coil in the fall, just above the first branches that separate from the trunk of the sidewalk tree, as this coil had to be far enough overhead that most people would not notice it.  Following most of the steps outlined below, the coil was in the tree for a few years before coming apart during Hurricane Sandy.  After two years, the tree began to leaf out at the same time as its peers on the street, and for the first time ever in its life…. it bloomed!  I feel confident enough to recommend experimentation with copper coils just by this example alone, but certainly feel Lakhovsky’s work and musings give conceptual heft to these efforts.  I’ve used it since with other trees and plants, always with positive effects, but none so dramatic as the linden’s new lease on life.  Why copper, as opposed to other metals?  I simply don’t know - I just followed Lakhovsky.

Here’s how:
1.  Use 18 or 20 gauge uninsulated copper wire (easily found at your local hardware store), as this is stiff enough to hold itself on the tree.  Had we used this gauge on the above linden, it would probably still be there, but we had used a lighter wire.  It is also light enough to allow the trunk to grow in circumference without strangling it.
2.  Make a spiral around the tree trunk, high enough where it will not ever touch the earth, and yet lower than the lowest branch, if possible.  If both circumstances are not possible, not touching the earth is by far the most important.
3.  Form the spiral counterclockwise, holding the end of the wire at the center of the trunk, and proceeding around to the right, as though you were hugging the tree with your right arm.  As the coil circles the trunk, it should rise, so the wire after one turn around the trunk will be above the beginning terminus of the wire, not touching – you are making a spiral, not a circle.  Wind two whole times around the trunk, rising each time, with the final terminus of the wire further to the right and above the beginning of the wire, to ensure there are two complete loops.  Do not attach the ends of the wire to anything, or each other, as the spiral will have to flex for trunk expansion.
4.  Periodically while winding the wire around the tree, wrap the copper a few times around a stick or rod held in your hand, and then pulled free of the resulting spring-like shape.  This spring-like shape will further ensure plenty of growth space for the trunk.
5.  Cut the wire where described in step 3 above.
6.  You’re done!  This coil should remain on the tree for at least three seasons, and can stay permanently if you feel it will never come to strangle the tree.  It may need to be on the tree for one complete growing season before results are observed.

My own observations include the above effects on the linden, as well as new-found resistance to disease in other trees.  Others have claimed trees so treated to be more drought-tolerant.  Please let me know your own stories!