
When doing professional MAP on a friend, I discovered an unhappy constellation of behaviors and events that happened in conjunction on several occasions.  When considering the cause of unwanted outcomes, one coincidence in timing can be just that – a coincidence.  If it happens more than once, however, I opt for trying to find a link.

I began using muscle testing to determine if the nasty conjunction were due to either traumas or karmas, from this life or another, and got a no answer both times.  I paused here, but the word ‘pattern’ kept repeating inside me, letting me know there was a link.  I confirmed that the two events were related, and then sat in open-minded quiet for a minute or two.  The word “oath” came into my mind, and through muscle testing was confirmed as being the primary source of the two unwanted outcomes. 

In my Karma & Company series of articles, I’ve outlined what Nature has told me of the unseen, unknown constraints on human endeavor, many of which may be unavailable to our conscious memory.  When I am feeling stuck or puzzled about some part of my feelings or behaviors, or have a client feeling the same way, I always ask if one of the list of Karma & Company (my name for them, not Perelandra’s) dynamics can be responsible.  This is not always the case, but they are part of the toolbox of Perelandra and MAP-like research I can apply to healing a problem area. 

I’d heard through various sources that oath-taking is a very tricky business, and it seems oaths can still warp our frequencies lifetimes later.  What may have seemed to be the best, most prudent, wisest, or maybe even life-saving course of action in one lifetime can be an impediment or constriction in another.  Truths we accepted as inviolable in other lifetimes can be nothing more than child-like fantasies in a more mature personage.  As we grow and mature, the frequencies of less-developed thoughts become inappropriate for our current energies, and can begin to make problems.  Being lodged in our subconscious leaves us with little knowledge of their existence, other than surmising their presence by observing patterns of behaviors or outcomes.  All of these impediments will eventually work themselves out of our systems as we grow and change, but tossing them out now can speed up our evolution.  If one is curious one can investigate the cause of any kind of karma or trauma or oath, but unless one is actively working off something as part of this lifetime’s purpose, it is not necessary for its full removal.  One can just toss it out, and still get full benefits from its removal.

When I said the word “oath” to my friend, she got a clear, immediate vision of an imprisoned iconoclast that must have been her past self.  I got her to repeat the steps below to remove it from her system, and we closed the coning.

Curiosity aroused, I later asked my MAP team if any oaths were inhibiting my own growth, and was answered in the affirmative.  I confirmed that I was ready to release it, in other words that it was not part of something I was actively working through at this time, and followed the steps below.  Upon closing the coning, I felt very good, lighthearted, and invigorated. Relieved. This feeling persisted for several days.  I have no idea of the nature of the oath, but my feelings subsequent to the coning verify that a shift for the better occurred, and my team concurred.

An oath is a binding agreement, and typically involves loyalty, devotion or promises to adhere to a creed or school of thought, as well as an understanding of some form of punishment if the oath is broken.  An agreement, oath’s innocuous cousin, differs in that it is typically about an exchange, and is limited in impact or duration.  Wedding vows include the phrase “’til death do us part”.  Therefore we do not have to marry the same person lifetime to lifetime.

Here’s how:

1.  Open a MAP coning, and use PKTT to determine if any essences or solutions are needed.
2.  Ask your team if any oaths taken in this or former lifetimes are inhibiting your growth or healing, and are ready to be removed.  If the answer is no, close the coning and go on with your day.  If the answer is yes, ask if there is more than one oath currently affecting you, and then ask if there is to be a waiting period between addressing them.  Continue to step #3.
3.  You may be curious about the nature of this oath, and the circumstances around its inception.  If so, take the time now to query your team on this matter.  If you are not that interested in this information, continue to step #4.  Having or not having this information will in no way affect your ability to fully remove its influence on your life.
4.  Say out loud “I request that Oath #1 leave my entire system and go on its way to the next step in its evolutionary path”.  In this manner we recognize that this oath was considered valuable to a former self, honor it as such, but remove it from our current path.
5.  Wait 10 seconds, or until you feel a shift.  Test for essences or solutions.
6.  Repeat step #4 by saying “I request that Oath #2… (or #3 or however many Oaths are affecting you at this time) until you have removed each of them, unless one of them tested positive for a waiting period.  Test for essences or solutions after each is done.
7.  Ask your team how much more time the coning should continue.  When this time is completed, close down the coning and again use PKTT to test for essences, EOP, etc.

I think of these and the other Processes I have developed using the Perelandra materials as a kind of spiritual housekeeping.  Things that you are no longer using can trip you up if they are left lying around.

Jill Emerson, May 2018